The body magazine
We thank BODY magazine and its contributors for the special way of highlighting my work and podiatry in general.
The science of podiatry is not pedicure
The footprint (the examination includes standing and walking on a special pad) analyzes the loads of pressure and the inclinations of the foot, standing and moving, explains Roi Petropoulou, Graduated Podiatrist from the Academy of Podiatrists of Greece and a member of the Hellenic Podiatry Association.
Meeting with the Deputy Minister of Sports Mr. Lefteris Avgenakis
The Deputy Minister of Sports Mr. Lefteris Avgenakis had a meeting, on September 17, 2019, with the special podiatrist Kallirroi Petropoulou.
Meeting with the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece
Specialist podiatrist Kallirroi Petropoulou attended the Holy Archdiocese of Athens to offer her podiatry services to the Archbishop of Athens. The Archbishop offered to Mrs.
Participation in the conference "Training in the provision of First Aid"
A conference on "Training in first aid" lasting 7 hours was held on Saturday, September 21, 2019 at the premises of the Center for Lifelong Learning "Educational