Its purpose is to identify possible diseases or problems of the soles and to treat them in time.
Diabetic foot
Frequent Asked Questions
Podiatry is the branch of paramedicine that deals with lower limb health. It is a very growing and popular field that takes care of foot diseases with various scientific methods. The podiatrist provides complete care and treatment of the lower limbs, offering the appropriate treatments that immediately and effectively relieve the feet. In addition to troubleshooting, it is possible to diagnose more serious medical conditions that require medical attention and refer you to a doctor. In addition to its therapeutic properties, the podiatrist can also act preventively.
Στο Ποδολογικό Κέντρο οι υπηρεσίες που παρέχουμε περιλαμβάνουν θεραπεία πέλματος, παθήσεων νυχιών, ανοιγμένων φτερνών, καλών, φθορών, καθώς και καθαρισμό σκληρύνσεων.
The specialties of the doctors we work with mainly include dermatologists, physicians, orthopedists, rheumatologists and diabetologists.
Our activities include cooperation with the scientific team of doctors of the General Hospital "TZANEIO" which we visit once a week, visiting vulnerable groups of asylum seekers as well as collaborations with sports teams to maintain the good condition of the lower extremities.
Η επίσκεψη ποδολογικό μας κέντρο κοστίζει 40€. Τα θεραπευτικά πεντικιούρ κοστίζουν 60€ ενώ σε περιπτώσεις θεραπείας σας εξηγούμε το πρόβλημα καθώς και τα προϊόντα που θα πρέπει να προμηθευτείτε για την ίαση και εφόσον αποδεχτείτε την τιμή προχωρούμε στην εκάστοτε θεραπεία.